Tag: Michael Pryor

The Reading-Writing Nexus

Reading and writings go hand in hand. I wanted to be a writer because I loved reading so much. I wanted to do for other people what writers were doing for me. In a presentation to a large group of teenagers, I was once asked about the connection between...

Ten Steampunk Novels I Haven’t Had a Chance to Write Yet

Force 10 from Westminster The Disraeli Identity Mary Shelley, Princess of Power Gilbert and Sullivan and International Domination Have Pith Helmet, Will Travel The Revenge of the Colonies Dirigibles, Digging Machines and Great Big Tanks The Funicular Network Giant Cats Destroy London via the Underground (some work needed on...

Most Important Writing Tip Ever

Version Control This could be the most important writing tip you’ll ever read. I’ll settle for second best, I suppose, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be in the top five. Easily. Computers are wonderful and they make a writer’s life easier in many ways. But computers can make a...

Final Paris Post

I’m still coming to terms with the Paris trip of last November. Partly it’s because I’ve just recovered a huge stack of photos after the catastrophic computer failure I suffered in the last week of the idyll. Short version of this: I’d been carefully moving photos from phone and...

Extraordinaires 2 Book Trailer

And here it is, the book trailer for ‘The Subterranean Stratagem’, the second book of ‘The Extraordinaires’ series. More magic, more mayhem, more mystery and much, much more Kingsley and Evadne!...

Extraordinaires 2 Cover

Here we are: the stunning, atmospheric, brooding, enticing cover for ‘The Subterranean Stratagem’, the second book in ‘The Extraordinaires’ series. Random House Australia does quality work! I love it. Publication date: April 2...

Steampunk is the future!

Some fascinating research here about how Steampunk is going to be the Next Big Thing. Pundits are predicting that Steampunk will surge into mainstream consciousness in 2013 before going gangbusters into world domination in 2014. And do click on the thumbnail of this sensational infographic so you can see...

Five Tips for Revising and Editing

Tip 1: use Word’s ‘Find’ feature (or ‘Advanced Find’ in Word 2010) to highlight words you use too often. Plug in the word, click on ‘Reading Highlight’ and then skim through your ms to get a stark visual overview of often the word appears. An abundance of fluoro yellow...