Writing and Magic
As a fantasy writer, I spend much of my writing time about magic, how it works and its effects on the people and societies in my stories. In ‘The Laws of Magic’ series, for instance, magic is a codified, rational endeavour which is explored and experimented with in the...
Great Australian Literary Mashups No. 1
How Writers Write
Extinction Gambit Teaser No. 4
‘In the middle of all the mayhem, Kingsley found a split-second to admire her swordplay, her aim and the quality of her taunting – her descriptions of her attackers’ physical failings and her estimations of their family origins made them even more determined to drag her from her perch....
The Realm of the Ridiculous
It’s time again for me to show my approbation for the clever, insightful and b0undlessly inventive folk over at The Realm of the Ridiculous. I applaud their efforts...
Holmes Sweet Holmes
I’m going to make a big claim here: Sherlock Holmes is the forerunner of Harry Potter. And of Katniss Everdeen. And of Percy Jackson, Edward Cullen and Alanna of Trebond. Like the other characters I’ve listed, Sherlock Holmes has leaped from the pages and become more than a fictional...
A Thousand Words
A couple of days devoted to books, reading and writing and talking about books, reading and writing can’t be a bad thing, can it? The ‘A Thousand Words Festival‘ (yes, that’s actually correct) is on this Friday and Saturday (23 and 24 September) at the Northcote Town Hall. Lots...
Occupational Hazards of Writers
It’s poorly appreciated, but writing is an occupation which has hazards. Most writers, at one time or another, will suffer from at least one of the following diseases, conditions or injuries. Most are treatable and with appropriate therapy writers can look forward to living relatively full and normal lives....
Extinction Gambit Teaser No. 3
‘To an exponent of anti-incarceration, a trap was not a trap: it was a challenge.’...
Extinction Gambit Teaser No. 2
‘Self-defence? All this is for self-defence?’ She shrugged. ‘I got carried away.’...